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Case Study

Starbreeze Studios

Paid Marketing on Multiple Platforms for Starbreeze

Increasing Installations with Multichannel Paid Marketing

Blue Hands has successfully driven conversions (installations) for Starbreeze's game PAYDAY 2, while reducing the cost per installation more than tenfold. Several paid social channels were used initially to build engagement, invite new players to join the PAYDAY community, and boost game sales.










Cost per conversion

About Starbreeze Studios

Starbreeze Studios is a well-known Swedish game distributor, with their game PAYDAY 2 being one of the top 10 most played games on Steam (PC Games Streaming Platform).

The overall mission in the game is to rob banks, dominate an underground network with the 4 iconic characters Dallas, Hoxton, Wolf, and Chains.

Learn more here: starbreeze.com

A blue hand holding something from behind.A blue hand holding something from behind.
a confused blue hand standing at the bottom of a mountain wondering how it will get up.

Time and Tracking: The Golden Combination

Previously, Starbreeze managed their advertising internally but faced a lack of resources. Blue Hands Digital stepped in ready to deliver a significant amount of optimization time and expertise across various platforms.

Initially, Starbreeze had implemented a comprehensive ad campaign spanning more than 10 countries, aiming to reach a broad audience. This broad strategy posed challenges in pinpointing target audiences related to interests and demographics within the desired reach. Moreover, all previous campaigns aimed to drive conversions (installations) but lacked proper tracking to effectively target conversions, making it difficult to generate new conversions.

When Blue Hands took over the account, we immediately started A/B testing a wide range of audiences, countries, behaviors, interests, and content until we identified the most lucrative audiences for Starbreeze. Setting up proper tracking was also a major priority as this enabled us to effectively target quality users who were more likely to take action.


From Banner Production to Comprehensive Marketing and Content Production

Our collaboration began with creating assets and content in the form of banners for their social media campaigns. Following the significant success of this campaign, it led to a long-term partnership where Blue Hands now manages Starbreeze’s various marketing efforts across multiple channels, along with on-demand content production. Below is a list of services we have provided:

  • Tracking Setup
  • Google Ads Setup
  • Google Ads Campaigns
  • Paid Advertising Setup on META, TikTok, and Twitter
  • Paid Social Campaigns
  • Content Creation (moving banners)
  • Campaign Optimization
  • Weekly Workshops
  • Reporting
A blue hand holding a lightbulb.

A Strategic Journey with PAYDAY 2

Solely driving conversions meant that the concept of PAYDAY 2 remained unfamiliar to many of their new target audience members. Therefore, after generating many new conversions, we chose a more strategic approach that involved more steps in the customer journey. An example of this is how we tailored each platform and campaign to their specific goals.

Throughout the journey, we achieved impressive numbers for each step of the customer journey, such as a +151% increase in CTR (engagement) and over 12 million total views (awareness). This was achieved through continuous optimization and close collaboration with the PAYDAY team to develop new, relatable ideas.

"Blue Hands has been crucial for Starbreeze and its games, including PAYDAY 2, Roboquest, and The Tribe Must Survive. Thank you for your invaluable support and expertise. We look forward to future collaborations!"

Anna Sidorova
Marketing Manager
Starbreeze Studios

Over 12.1 Million Views and a 3200% Increase in Conversions

As a result of strategically creating multiple campaigns across different channels, we garnered over 12.1 million views and increased average monthly conversions by 3200%. This was made possible by our use of multiple campaign goals to maximize the unique results in each campaign.

By continuously optimizing to get new users interested in the product, we managed to reduce the average cost per conversion by 1250% compared to previous efforts. Getting the most out of your budget is a Blue Hands guarantee!

A blue hand holding some statistics.