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Improve your website's visibility!
A blue flat blob.
A laptop mockup of SEO.

Be visible on search engines

Our process



The first step is to conduct an On-Page SEO audit, which includes assessing your current organic traffic and SEO score. It also involves keyword analysis to determine what potential customers are searching for and how your website ranks for those searches. This provides us with a solid keyword strategy that lays the foundation for the next step.



In the next step, we do a competitor analysis where we look at your competitors, what keywords they use and what their SEO strategy looks like. The main thing we take away from this step is how you will be able to stand out within your industry in terms of keywords and search engine rankings.



Now it's time to convert the keywords into content. We do this by providing you with headlines and text that you can use on your website, which will help it rank higher. Additionally, we have experts in writing SEO-based articles, further boosting your ranking by publishing relevant content for your target audience on your website.



In the fourth step, we perform a technical SEO audit where we review your website's index, how many backlinks there are, and an overall picture of how your website is performing. We will then provide you with a checklist of improvement suggestions.



As a final step, we give you a realistic proposal of what is feasible within a certain time frame and a cost proposal for implementation.



After you have received your consultation, you can decide for yourself whether you want to implement the improvements yourself or if you want us to do it for you. We have copywriters who specialize in SEO texts optimized to increase your ranking. Each month you will also receive reports on search traffic, positions on Google and how it has improved and can develop further.

A blue hand holding a phone which says, contact us.

Contact Us

Let us give you a helping hand - Blue Hands Digital helps you reach your audience through tailored campaigns and content on relevant platforms.

Thank you for contacting us, we will respond as soon as possible.
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