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Case Study


Maximized Digital Success for MaxGaming

Increased Revenue via Advertising on Meta and TikTok

Through innovative campaigns on paid platforms, especially Meta and TikTok, Blue Hands successfully launched MaxGaming’s e-commerce presence across several markets. This effort not only boosted their revenue but also reduced the cost per purchase.




Increased ROAS




Increased POAS



Lower cost per purchase

About MaxGaming

MaxGaming is an e-commerce player in gaming and esports, offering a wide range of game-related products. Their assortment includes everything from gaming mice and headsets to smart home accessories and clothing.

A blue hand holding something from behind.A blue hand holding something from behind.
a confused blue hand standing at the bottom of a mountain wondering how it will get up.

Successful Market Establishment

MaxGaming's main challenge was to successfully establish itself in the Finnish market while striving to improve returns and tracking across all its active markets. Reaching a new market and optimizing results and tracking in existing markets required a focused and goal-oriented strategy.


Success on Meta and TikTok

Our collaboration began by creating assets and content in the form of videos for their social media campaigns. This led to a long-term partnership where Blue Hands now manages MaxGaming's various marketing course of action on Meta and TikTok.

In recent years, our most extensive effort has been during Black Week. Blue Hands has worked strategically to support and manage various aspects of their Black Week campaigns to maximize results and efficiency.

Below is a list of services we have provided:

  • Dynamic Product Ads: Implementation of dynamic product ads to display relevant products.
  • Market Segmentation: Customizing content based on specific target audiences.
  • Tracking Improvements: Enhanced ability to track customer journeys and conversions.
  • Budget Management: Efficient reallocation and increase of spending.
  • Content Customization: Tailored content to match the product range.
  • Category Targeting: Focusing on specific product categories for targeted marketing.
  • Audience Categorization: Detailed audience analysis to reach relevant consumers.
A blue hand holding a lightbulb.

Optimized Marketing

We implemented a product-focused advertising strategy by utilizing detailed product data to create ads that were relevant and attracted the target audience. Through data-driven audience analysis, we identified core target groups, enabling more precise and effective targeted campaigns.

To meet the unique requirements of each market, we applied customized strategies within the multi-market expansion. This involved tailoring our strategy for each specific market, resulting in a targeted and effective presence. Budget optimization was at the core of our strategy, and we placed great emphasis on the smart allocation of resources to achieve maximum efficiency.

By carefully monitoring and optimizing our campaigns, we ensured that every invested krona provided optimal returns and the best possible results.

Blue Hands has been a game-changer for us! Their professional team has increased our sales and opened new markets in a simple and smooth way. Great job!

Niclas Gozzi
Marketing Manager

Results-Driven Marketing Adaptation

Blue Hands focused on tailoring the strategy to meet MaxGaming’s unique needs and goals. This included identifying the right channels, audience customization, and determining key messages to maximize impact.

To increase engagement and highlight products, we created unique and engaging content for each product category. By customizing content to match the audience's interests and preferences, we created a strong connection between the brand and the consumers.

Performance analysis was a continuous process where we evaluated campaign performance and adjusted our strategy based on performance data. By carefully analyzing the results, we could identify success factors and areas for improvement, enabling a dynamic and adaptable marketing strategy.

A blue hand holding some statistics.