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Paid Social

The cost-effective way to reach your audience!
A blue hand holding some social media icons.A blue hand holding some social media icons.
A blue flat blob.
A phone mockup of an Instagram ad.

Promote on Meta

Facebook icon.Instagram icon.Whatsapp icon.Threads icon.
A laptop mockup of a Facebook ad.A phone mockup of a Youtube ad.A tablet mockup of a Facebook ad.
A laptop mockup of a Facebook ad.A phone mockup of a Youtube ad.A tablet mockup of a Facebook ad.
A blue hand showing what it is holding.A blue hand showing what it is holding.

What we offer

Creating or structuring a Meta Business account
Target audience analysis and identification of similar target groups
Goal setting and strategy development
Creation of ad copy
Campaign setup
Campaign optimization
Regular analysis and reporting
Clear strategy for evolving marketing over time

Four steps for a successful campaign on Meta

1. Define your goal

Do you want to raise awareness, drive engagement or increase your sales? When you advertise on Meta (Facebook and Instagram), it is advertising that can take years of collected data. That's why Meta is a great platform for those who want to target a specific audience. First, identifying the goal of your campaign is fundamental to successful advertising.

2. Set the right goal

How do you plan to achieve your goal, such as raising awareness or generating high engagement? Every goal requires a strategy and that's where our team comes in. We take you through the entire process, step by step, to create total transparency in our processes and guide you in how we shape our strategies according to your specific KPIs.

3. Create a strong message

The structure of your message should vary depending on the type of campaign you are launching. To stand out from competitors, it's important to understand your audience and adapt your message accordingly. Furthermore, the type of content you use is crucial to reach your target audience. For example, a video can generate high engagement, while an image with a strong CTA can encourage potential customers to convert.

4th. Optimization over time

After publishing your campaign, it is crucial to continuously measure, analyze and optimize the performance of the campaign. At Blue Hands, we conduct A/B tests to determine what works best, as well as interpret various data points to improve campaign results. This helps us optimize campaigns for continuous conversions.

A blue hand holding a phone which says, contact us.

Contact Us

Let us give you a helping hand - Blue Hands Digital helps you reach your audience through tailored campaigns and content on relevant platforms.

Thank you for contacting us, we will respond as soon as possible.
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